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ترجمات مطلوبة - efsus81

لغة مصدر
لغة الهدف

نتائج1- 2على مجموع تقريبا2
لغة مصدر
تتطلب هذه الترجمة "المعنى فقط".
انجليزي strategic entrepreneurship
New ventures almost by definition posses fewer resources than do established firms.Even in well-funded enterpreneurial companies, many resources associated with the organizational infrastructer, such as organizational practices, policies, and routines, are not in place. Yet academic research emphasizes a firm's resources for their ability to generate economic rents. Does this imply that an enterpreneurial firm must necessarily be at a performance disadvantage vis a vis established firms?

ترجمات كاملة
تركي stratejik giriÅŸimcilik